Marketing Goals – Looking Backwards and Forwards

Marketing Goals – Looking Backwards and Forwards

The year’s half over, so now is a good time to ask if you’ve achieved your marketing goals for 2023. ✅ If the answer is yes – great job! Keep up the good work! ❓ If the answer is, “What marketing goals?” – it’s not too late to set some. What kind of goals?...
Common Goals and Fireworks

Common Goals and Fireworks

We just celebrated Independence Day, but instead of talking about the rocket’s red glare and Paul Revere’s ride, let’s talk about a less-discussed aspect of the revolution: being aligned with a common goal. We once shared a story about how a very successful strategic...
Team Strengths

Team Strengths

A recent law firm client said, “I feel like I’m spinning my wheels with my marketing. I’m not getting traction. Nothing I’m doing is sticking.” So, we got everyone into the same room for a strategic planning meeting to see how the team could find ways to solve their...
The Magic of Individualized Marketing Plans

The Magic of Individualized Marketing Plans

A law firm’s marketing strategy is just one part of the marketing puzzle. And each lawyer’s individual marketing plan makes up many of the pieces. Believe it or not, through our work with law firm clients we’ve learned that holding a group session for everyone to...