How Long Will This Take?

Jul 2, 2024

“How long does it take for things like speaking and writing to get results?”

This is a great question that Erika got from a lawyer during her office hours this month that we want to answer here.

The lawyer elaborated that she’d spoken at bar conferences and wrote articles when she could, but hadn’t seen any results yet.

It can be frustrating to wait. But it’s not unusual. It just takes time – and strategic effort.

Activities like speaking and writing are a long game, so don’t expect immediate results from those alone. Think of them like pieces of the marketing puzzle you’re putting together that serve multiple purposes:

🧩 Speaking and writing on their own can help generate awareness of your practice and how you help clients.

🧩 Sharing your speaking engagements and published pieces on social media to generate more awareness of your brand and offerings can amplify those efforts even more.

🧩 Sending information about where you’re speaking and what you’ve written to clients who may benefit – with a personal note explaining why it’s relevant = may go a long ways. And bonus points for offering to speak to them about it directly if they can’t attend or have questions.

🧩 Repurposing your content by turning a presentation into an article or a LinkedIn post – or even a series of articles or posts – can help you get more mileage out of what you’ve already created.

🧩 Informing your marketing team about your activities so they can recap your event or article to the firm’s website or newsletters can save time and effort – but please ask them in advance so they can support you!

By using multiple channels – social media, website, newsletter and emails – you can make it easier for current and prospective clients to learn about you and how you can solve their problems.

You may or may not get a client because they read your article or saw you speak – but you will become top of mind for them. When that client or prospect does have the problem you solve and is ready to talk (or even to buy), they’re more likely to remember your name or come across it when researching who to consult.

Need to pick a brain about marketing your practice or law firm? Office hours are the fourth Wednesday each month at 1:30pm Eastern. More information is available on our Eventbrite page.